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      1. HOME > NEWS > Safety first fire drill

        Safety first fire drill

               Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire,prevention is better than disaster relief,in order to popularize fire safety knowledge,improve the whole company staff emergency protective self-help and escape ability,enhance employee when meeting fire fire escape,self-help ability,strengthen the awareness of fire safety,the accumulation of collective evacuation,fire rescue,emergency organization of actual combat experience,to do the safety work of the factory and build safe factory.


                On June 19,the company organized all employees to carry out fire fighting and escapedrill.This practical exercise has improved the company's ability to deal with fire emergencies and organize employees to evacuate quickly and safely,further strengthened employees’s awareness of fire safety,improved employees’s ability to prevent and rescue themselves,and basically mastered the correct methods of on-site fire fighting,rescue and escape in case of fire.

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